Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Offended? Get off my internet!

Ok, so "ScanSafe" has released a "Global Threat Report" for March. They have concluded that the "blogospehre" (Ok Im fucking sick of buzz words like this. Stop, just fucking stop.)is in a terrible condition, and is going to cause the universe to collapse on itself, by which I of course mean endanger your school/business/home/office so much that it warrants you buying their product.

They say that about 6% of blogs contain malware/spyware/Trojans that only their product can save you from. Now I don't know about you people, but the last time i remember having a blog violently force a virus onto my pc without me noticing was never, let alone 6 in every hundred.... Then again, I say if you're moronic enough to believe this pungent, pungent bullshit, then i say you deserve to have your hard earned cash replaced with shoddy software. I hope the software doesn't work and ends up GIVING you a Trojan, that will put all your bank account details firmly in my possession.... but I suppose that's too much to hope for.

Their "Global Threat Report" also suggests that 80% of blogs are offensive... I believe the term they actually used was "bad words"... Is this company run by 6 year olds? If you are offended by "Bad words" go and tell Mummy, as a matter of fact, just go. Get the fuck off my internet. Just about any search you ever do will return at least one link to a porn site, so if you are offended easily you have no place on the internet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whooo, i can comment now.
Even though i hardly understood anything you were raging on about, good work =]
*thumbs up*

2:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was very informative
Good work !!

2:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michael, this is spot on

Its funny cos a good example of a company using its, ill-studied customers to gain money is MICROSOFT lol like 7 releases for one OS.. i mean JEEZ are they all really that different?! One you get media player, one you dont... and probly $100 more, for something you can just download... Teh puting industry is evolving, looks to be a interesting future. woohoo gameing i want virtual gameing !! :) Catchya, happy blogging... im going back to be a side fringed emo

2:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dam straight stik it to those 6 year olds maybe they were having tantrum.

3:03 AM  
Blogger [m i s s_ j e s s i c a] said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

3:30 AM  
Blogger [m i s s_ j e s s i c a] said...

I picture a scenario of some corporate business men sitting in starbucks all thinking of ways to scam money off the ignorant users of the interweb. And this was the result...

But oh even on your good days you still seem to manage to dish out the cynism and sharp witticism's.

An authentic Michael Dennehy blog.


3:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha old people suck at the internet.

6:31 AM  

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