Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Never fear, Jack Thompson is here

Jack Thompson, for those of you who do not know, is against everything. He is a florida attorney who can't keep his irritatingly stupid views out of the media. In the ninties he had Rap music firmly in his sights. Here is a direct quote from him, so you can form your own views of him. "I have sent my opponents pictures of Batman to remind them I'm playing the role of Batman." And, I kid you not, he wore a Batman wristwatch. Am I the only person who thinks it is a little odd for a 55 year old man to be wearing a batman watch? Anyway, after the ninties he gave up on trying to abolish rap, perhaps one of those "gangsta rap" type people threataned to shoot him in the face, but if this was the case it unfortunatly didn't happen. After the rap incident he decided to move onto an easier target, not mainstream at the time (arguably still not); gaming. One of his favorite pastimes seems to be reffering to games as "murder simulators". He also described the proliferation of games by Sony (which is a japanese company) as "Pearl Harbour 2", well jack, that's just fantastic, but I'm fairly sure you are exaggerating the scale of this "problem".

Now, onto his latest demonstration of idiocy. Mere hours after the recent Virginia Tech shootings he was on Fox news blaming video games. Gee jack, it's a good thing that you knew that, before anyone even knew the name of the guy you managed to work out that his motive was video games, you should be working for the police! Even if this person was a gamer, did you not think that possibly the violent games could be attracting the violent people, as opposed to creating them? 

Jack also seems to think that a 9 yeare old going into a store and buying a game like Grand Theft Auto is the fault the company that made the game... Of course! How did we not see this! It wasn't the parents fault! It wasn't the store attendants fault! It was the developers fault!

Also, Jack is fantastic at making, what seems like a realatively stable (though completely false) argument, completely worthless. For example, recently, in a radio interview, he went on about how he was against all things violent. Then, at the very end, he compared himself to David, in the story of David and Goliath, to which the interviewer replied with something like "Well, that's a very violent story, if they made a game out of that would you allow your children to play it?" Jack replied with the ever effective argument of "ohh, err, well, err". Lucky he was so quick to come back to that, he could have wound up making an idiot of himself.

And that whole episode got he thinking, well if people are against violent video games, then those people should be even MORE against the bible. The bible graphically describes all manner of torture and violence. And they will gladly sell a bible to a six year old, who will have been told that the bible is great and the best and all that. Which will result in him crucifying all his friends, believeing that they will all be back in a few days.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Annoyed again! How do you find these people?

As an aside, have you heard of Noam Chomsky?

3:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

10:27 AM  

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