Sunday, April 22, 2007

Hey jack, look out, it's the facts

You may have seen my below post about how fucking stupid Jack Thompson is. Well now it's confirmed. But before I show you the damning evidence I would like to go on the record as saying, it's sickening that people are playing the blame game already and the media are swarming all over the families and survivors. These people should be given time to get this through their system. And another thing, on fox news the day of the shootings they titled Jack not as a lawyer, not as an activist, but as a School shooting expert... WHAT!?! The man is not an expert at anything, especially school shootings. On fox news jack thompson said he "garunteed" he would find "a murder simulator" in the shooters room(at the time nobody even knew who the shooter was). Now Jack, I know you hate letting the truth get in the way of your accusations, but unfortunately there were no video games (not even tetris) in the shooters room.

I now dub thee, Jack Thompson, attorney at lawl. (I have the authority to do that, because it's my blog)


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