Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The best thing about MSN is not the users, it is the ability to block them.

Alright, just for a little change today I am pissed off. Who at, I hear you asking. The answer is 75% of the people who use MSN.

They suck. Come on we all know the type of person I am talking about. The one who has every key binded to a smiley, so that as soon as they press "M" a dancing letter M appears. Great thanks, now I need to wait for this goddamn letter to stop dancing before I can read your message, and after I read the message I will realise I shouldn't have bothered, because it will invariably have some combination of "LOL" and "OMG" flashing blue and green in a way that has more than likely caused many an epileptic fit.

And even when their letters have stopped dancing their messages still make no sense. How hard is it to understand that "R" is a letter? It is not a word, like are, it's a goddamn letter. Same goes for "U".

And then we have the people who type in one letter capialised, the next one not and so on in that manner until they cause me to kick them in the throat. I asked one of these people why they do it, and after i deciphered the message I realised that she thought it was "cool". So pehaps if I can get it through their skulls that it is about as cool as a brain tumor, then maybe they would stop... But somehow I doubt anybody could get anything through their skulls.

We also have the people who don't bother to de-capitalise every second letter and type the entire message in capitals. Some people do this to indicate that they are shouting. No you are not, you are attempting to type loudly. Nice one, moron. But other people denote shouting by adding anywhere between 4 and 87 exclamation marks to the end of their message. One will do. It is not a competition to see who can have the most exclamation marks and you have not won.

It is reasons like this that approximatly 75% of the 100 or so people on my contact list are blocked. The best thing about MSN is not the users, it is the ability to block them.

Quote of the day:
"Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them. "
- Unknown

Monday, December 11, 2006

Why I am cynical

Ok, first post, let's get this out of the way. I am a cynic. If you wish to stop reading after seeing that please do, because chances are I don't want you or people like you here anyway.

One of the reasons I am cynical are stories like this. If you can't be bothered reading it, don't know how to operate a link, are incapable of understanding some of the big, scary words used in the article or your PC is frozen and you are stuck with just this to read then the jist of the article is this: Some homeless guy was given 100,000 US dollars and blew it all, yes, all of it.

First on the shopping list is an apartment, nothing wrong with that, can't blame him for getting a roof over his head. Next up was, obviously, a $32,000 (USD) truck. Then he went about bringing his buddies to the car dealers and buying them cars too, as you do.

He continued being a bog standard moron until he was out of money, at which point all his friends disappeared...

You see, I think that people are what they are for a reason, and only they are capable of long term change. Give a sporty person a high end computer and the knowledge of how to use it, but they will always end up going back to the feild. Give a hobo $100,000 and he will blow it all and end up in the gutter again.

Quote of the day:
" There comes a time when you look into the mirror and you realize that what you see is all that you'll ever be. Then you accept it... or you kill yourself. Or you stop looking into mirrors. "
- Londo Mollari, Babylon 5