Saturday, December 08, 2007

Friday Night

What an awesome start to the holidays.

It was Friday; about 3:30PM. I'd woken up about 2 hours previously and realised I was expected to be at tennis at 4:30. It was fairly evident THAT wasn't going to happen. Well this gave me some extra time. So I decided to rally the troops to go see a movie. Hitman.

First I rang Josh. He was in. We'd catch the 6:00 bus from Traralgon and see the movie at 7:30. He also agreed to bring Emma. Excellent, that was 3 of us.

Then I rang Brandon after a little hesitation and time to scab money from his parents he agreed to come along. Next was Cam. He came along. After that I contacted Bea. She tried to get some friends IN ON DIS, but failed.

At 5:45 we met at the Plaza to catch the bus. Me, josh and Emma were there. Brandon showed up soon after while we were waiting for Bea the bus arrived. We hesitated for a moment, but decided to hop on. With about 2 minutes to spare Bea arrived. We were all on the bus and good to go. We met Jess on the trip.

Arrived at mid valley, still an hour till the movie. So we decided to engage in some A-Grade Cockfaggotry, but not before running into Kara and Aimee, who couldn't join us.

We made our way to Target to pick josh a new summer dress and bra, where we saw Arliah working. Got a call from cam, who'd just arrived at the cinema, so we went to meet him.

After the introductions and some arcade games were done with we decided to buy tickets. It was then that the realisation dawned on us that most of us werent carrying ID. Shit. They wouldn't let us in because of the pack of trainees they needed to set an example for. No matter, we decided to fall back to Joshes.

After buying a metric fuck-tonne of caffeinated products we crammed 6 pf us into a car and made our way to Joshes.

We watched crank and avoided the bird that was let loose on us until 11:30. In this time bea managed to cut her finger on a "V" bottle, Brandon drew a penis in the bark at a playground and I claimed to be Admiral Ackbar, proudly informing everyone that "IT'S A TRAP" while safely piloting an entire playground away from the death star that was looming threateningly in my head.

When 11:30 rolled around cam was collected and Emma and Bea went home. Me Brandon and Josh went on to watch superbad and Die hard 4 before falling asleep somewhere between 3 and 5AM.

After waking at a time I don't remember we decided that fish and chips for lunch was the only real option, Bea came to join us for lunch. We Rang to have the food delivered and left paying for it and accepting it in Jye (joshes brother) and his friends less than capable hands and left to go get drinks. We met Aaron and Dean at the IGA, bought soft drink and went back to joshes.

Then we ate. It was chicken salt-eriffic.

We decided to go get a nintendo 64 to play mario kart. We tried 3 and none worked, so we gave up. Then josh, being the faggot he is, had work, so we all went home.

I'm thinking of turning it into a movie.

PS: kara is the most amazing girl EVER. And she's mine.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Just some random quotes.

No this is not a proper blog. I am aware of that. There is no need to point it out to me. I am already aware.
This is simply a collection of quotes I have accumulated over time. I love simply reading quotes by people. Quotes allow us to learn from those who have already experienced things. Many will be incorrectly quoted I am sure, but i don't care, you can still get the jist of it.
I shall kick off the list with a quote that can give you a pretty good idea about my favorite author of all time within the space of a single sentence.

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes. - Douglas Adams

Life is a sexually transmitted disease. - R. D. Laing

My way of joking is to tell the truth. It is the funniest joke in the world. - George Bernard Shaw

God invented whiskey to keep the Irish from ruling the world. - Ed McMahon

The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised. - George F. Will

Rage is the only quality which has kept me, or anybody I have ever studied, writing columns for newspapers. - Jimmy Breslin

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. - Isaac Asimov

If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them. - Isaac Asimov

The most hopelessly stupid man is he who is not aware that he is wise. - Isaac Asimov

The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance. - Socrates

Education is a method whereby one acquires a higher grade of prejudices. - Laurence J. Peter

The advantage of a classical education is that it enables you to despise the wealth that it prevents you from achieving. - Russell Green

Never judge a book by its movie. - J. W. Eagan

You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it. - Robin Williams

There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line. - Oscar Levant

Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius. - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped. - Elbert Hubbard

Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. - Bill Watterson

Some weasel took the cork out of my lunch. - W. C. Fields

A thing worth having is a thing worth cheating for. - W. C. Fields

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein

Lord, what fools these mortals be! - William Shakespeare

The two most common elements in the universe are Hydrogen and stupidity. - Harlan Ellison

A quotation in a speech, article or book is like a rifle in the hands of an infantryman. It speaks with authority. - Brendan Francis

Speak when you are angry--and you will make the best speech you'll ever regret. - Laurence J. Peter

Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a function. - Unknown

The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it. - George Bernard Shaw

One should always play fairly when one has the winning cards. - Oscar Wilde

The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. - Oscar Wilde

The shaft of the arrow had been feathered with one of the eagle's own plumes. We often give our enemies the means of our own destruction. - Aesop

It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend. - William Blake

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Don't expect another blog for a while

Yes, yes, I know I've failed to update the blog for several weeks now, and I don't care. I'm not keeping a blog for you're approval, I'm keeping a blog because I enjoy writing. Anyway, don't expect things to improve anytime soon. I'm leaving the country for 5 weeks or so to visit Ireland, Paris, Singapore and Hong Kong. Luckily for me I also get to spend over 40 hours on a plane in those 5 weeks... yay.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Just had to post this

My god I'm so ridiculously awesome. Compare your looks to mine and despair bitches. Seriously though, had to post that, because they are the new sunglasses I got for my birthday, and they are awesome, clearly.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Offended? Get off my internet!

Ok, so "ScanSafe" has released a "Global Threat Report" for March. They have concluded that the "blogospehre" (Ok Im fucking sick of buzz words like this. Stop, just fucking stop.)is in a terrible condition, and is going to cause the universe to collapse on itself, by which I of course mean endanger your school/business/home/office so much that it warrants you buying their product.

They say that about 6% of blogs contain malware/spyware/Trojans that only their product can save you from. Now I don't know about you people, but the last time i remember having a blog violently force a virus onto my pc without me noticing was never, let alone 6 in every hundred.... Then again, I say if you're moronic enough to believe this pungent, pungent bullshit, then i say you deserve to have your hard earned cash replaced with shoddy software. I hope the software doesn't work and ends up GIVING you a Trojan, that will put all your bank account details firmly in my possession.... but I suppose that's too much to hope for.

Their "Global Threat Report" also suggests that 80% of blogs are offensive... I believe the term they actually used was "bad words"... Is this company run by 6 year olds? If you are offended by "Bad words" go and tell Mummy, as a matter of fact, just go. Get the fuck off my internet. Just about any search you ever do will return at least one link to a porn site, so if you are offended easily you have no place on the internet.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Hey jack, look out, it's the facts

You may have seen my below post about how fucking stupid Jack Thompson is. Well now it's confirmed. But before I show you the damning evidence I would like to go on the record as saying, it's sickening that people are playing the blame game already and the media are swarming all over the families and survivors. These people should be given time to get this through their system. And another thing, on fox news the day of the shootings they titled Jack not as a lawyer, not as an activist, but as a School shooting expert... WHAT!?! The man is not an expert at anything, especially school shootings. On fox news jack thompson said he "garunteed" he would find "a murder simulator" in the shooters room(at the time nobody even knew who the shooter was). Now Jack, I know you hate letting the truth get in the way of your accusations, but unfortunately there were no video games (not even tetris) in the shooters room.

I now dub thee, Jack Thompson, attorney at lawl. (I have the authority to do that, because it's my blog)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Never fear, Jack Thompson is here

Jack Thompson, for those of you who do not know, is against everything. He is a florida attorney who can't keep his irritatingly stupid views out of the media. In the ninties he had Rap music firmly in his sights. Here is a direct quote from him, so you can form your own views of him. "I have sent my opponents pictures of Batman to remind them I'm playing the role of Batman." And, I kid you not, he wore a Batman wristwatch. Am I the only person who thinks it is a little odd for a 55 year old man to be wearing a batman watch? Anyway, after the ninties he gave up on trying to abolish rap, perhaps one of those "gangsta rap" type people threataned to shoot him in the face, but if this was the case it unfortunatly didn't happen. After the rap incident he decided to move onto an easier target, not mainstream at the time (arguably still not); gaming. One of his favorite pastimes seems to be reffering to games as "murder simulators". He also described the proliferation of games by Sony (which is a japanese company) as "Pearl Harbour 2", well jack, that's just fantastic, but I'm fairly sure you are exaggerating the scale of this "problem".

Now, onto his latest demonstration of idiocy. Mere hours after the recent Virginia Tech shootings he was on Fox news blaming video games. Gee jack, it's a good thing that you knew that, before anyone even knew the name of the guy you managed to work out that his motive was video games, you should be working for the police! Even if this person was a gamer, did you not think that possibly the violent games could be attracting the violent people, as opposed to creating them? 

Jack also seems to think that a 9 yeare old going into a store and buying a game like Grand Theft Auto is the fault the company that made the game... Of course! How did we not see this! It wasn't the parents fault! It wasn't the store attendants fault! It was the developers fault!

Also, Jack is fantastic at making, what seems like a realatively stable (though completely false) argument, completely worthless. For example, recently, in a radio interview, he went on about how he was against all things violent. Then, at the very end, he compared himself to David, in the story of David and Goliath, to which the interviewer replied with something like "Well, that's a very violent story, if they made a game out of that would you allow your children to play it?" Jack replied with the ever effective argument of "ohh, err, well, err". Lucky he was so quick to come back to that, he could have wound up making an idiot of himself.

And that whole episode got he thinking, well if people are against violent video games, then those people should be even MORE against the bible. The bible graphically describes all manner of torture and violence. And they will gladly sell a bible to a six year old, who will have been told that the bible is great and the best and all that. Which will result in him crucifying all his friends, believeing that they will all be back in a few days.

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