Sunday, February 18, 2007

I must be sick

Im not pissed off... Really, everything is great, and i have nothing to complain to you lot about. And unlike everybody else that means I will not complain... Everyone else complains about things when everything is fine. "This is unnaceptable, my soup is four degrees above room temperature, i specifically demanded room temperature" I mean for god's sake, soup cools...

Actually, come to think of it i do have something to complain about, hairdressers complete inability to listen. "Is this length ok?" they ask "Yeah, thats fine, thats perfect, don't do anything" I would reply. They then peoceed to take another several centimetres off my fringe, did you not hear my answer? Now i look like a moron. Inevitably you people will think "For god's sake, hair grows" but I am allowed to complain, beucase it's my blog.